Deep TMS Therapy in Beverly Hills, CA | Depression Treatment
Ketamine treatments for depression

What is TMS?

Revolutionary non-drug depression treatment. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, is an exciting, revolutionary, non-invasive depression treatment which does not involve drugs. It uses magnetism to stimulate the brain. It is extremely safe with minimal side effects and proven to be effective by scientific, extensive research and approved by the Federal drug administration [FDA]. It can be used for patients suffering from depression who have not achieved satisfactory improvements from prior antidepressants. It may also be used in certain circumstances as an alternative for antidepressants in patients with depression. It is an amazingly effective treatment.

Safe, with no systemic side effects. The treatment is safe with none of the side effects associated with antidepressant medications. So, there is no weight gain, sexual dysfunction, sedation, or memory impairment with TMS. There is no memory loss or need for anesthetic as with electroconvulsive therapy [also known as ECT or shock therapy].

Newer, Deeper and Highly Effective. In TMS, there are two types of equipment machines currently being used. The first is the older NeuroStar machine, which is more superficial and has coils which stimulate the brain cells only in certain directions. The newer equipment, or the Deep TMS machine, used in our clinic, creates Deep TMS, which stimulates deeper structures in the brain and also is more multidirectional, so neurons in different orientations may also be stimulated, so it is likely to be more effective. Although the Deep TMS creates deeper stimulation, both treatments are equally safe.

Shorter Depression Treatments. The Deep TMS treatment requires only approximately 20 minutes whereas the NeuroStar requires a treatment session almost twice as long, 37 to 40 minutes. And brain mapping sessions, to locate precisely the area of the brain to be stimulated, are easier, take less time, and may be more accurate with the Deep TMS equipment.

2018 – New Video from Dr. Phil & Dr. Bradley Jabour explaining the effect of TMS